2024.1 Release Summary
  • 06 Mar 2024
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2024.1 Release Summary

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Article summary


The final release and release upgrade will be available on March 8, 2024.

The release notes offer a brief description of the improvements and new features. Tier1 has added more technical documentation such as APIs, feature retirements and data model changes in each release summary based on client feedback. Contact your Tier1 Client Services representative to learn more or provide feedback on what else would be valuable to see in the release summary. Supported browsers and devices is updated each release to reflect what Tier1 currently supports.



Client Center introduced two main enhancements to coverage.

  • Coverage management supports team coverage for better collaboration.

  • Coverage management supports multiple products and regions for improved transparency.

Both features support Salesforce approval processes for requesting and approving coverage.


The simplified coverage forms supports requesting or directly adding team coverage or team coverage additional information. Users can do the following on the simplified coverage form.

  • Employee name field has been renamed to Assigned To and users can now search for either employee names or team names to add individual coverage or team coverage. If team is disabled, then users can only search for employee names.

  • Users can now add multiple roles, products, or regions to team account coverage to indicate what roles, products, or regions the team covers for the account.

  • If approval is disabled, saving the form will automatically create coverage records. If approval is enabled, then an approver such as the user’s manager or an admin group must approve the coverage records before they become active.

See example below. Team coverage and account coverage are now managed from the simplified coverage form.

2024-1 Account and Team Coverage

To improve transparency on who covers the account or contact, the following features have been enhanced to display team coverage.

  • When users double click on the coverage indicator, the name column displays either the employee or the team name covering the account or contact.

To improve collaboration for the team, the following features have been enhanced.

  • Users can view each team account or contact coverage list individually if they belong to multiple teams.

  • Users can also view all their team contact coverage in a single list instead of picking a team and then viewing the team contacts.

  • In the team coverage lists, the red-amber-green (RAG) flag displays in team mode instead of personal RAG mode. Team RAG displays the status based on anyone on the team interacting with the contact.

By default, team coverage and team coverage additional info is disabled on the coverage form, coverage cube, and summary cube. If enabling approval processes, administrators must further configure Salesforce approval process. See coverage approval process configuration for details.


The simplified coverage form supports requesting or directly adding individual coverage additional information. Users can do the following on the simplified coverage form.

  • Users can add multiple roles, products, or regions to individual employee coverage to indicate what roles, products, or regions the employee covers the account or contact.

  • If approval is disabled, saving the form will automatically create coverage records. If approval is enabled, then an approver such as the user’s manager or an admin group must approve the coverage records before they become active.

To improve transparency on who covers the account or contact, the coverage cube can be configured to display coverage additional info such as the additional roles, products, or regions the employee covers.

By default individual coverage additional info is disabled on the coverage form. If enabling approval processes, administrators must further configure the Salesforce approval process. See coverage approval process configuration for details.


Client Center has made several other improvements based on user feedback.

  • Rapid interaction report supports call report templates.

  • Users can clear team flag thresholds as well as personal flag thresholds by double clicking on the flags column and clicking on clear flags threshold.

  • Users no longer receive a confusing warning message about list activities when deleting a list. Note that the feature to associate activities to lists has been retired so this warning message is not required.

  • Call reports introduced a new feature in the past release to add contacts from the primary account without searching, however it required the Salesforce setting Allow users to relate a contact to multiple accounts to be turned on. Administrators can now independently enable or disable these two features.

  • Users can view the show filters and hide filters on events cube and portal activity cube. The application makes it more obvious that there are additional filters in the cube.



The bulk edit is useful when users are planning to make the same changes to multiple deals. For example, the statuses of all deals the firm has received mandates for or has successfully closed within the past month can be updated at the same time without having to individually change them. Further, users also have the option to perform bulk editing and saving in both inline edit as well as product views.


Steps to bulk deals:

  1. Users can select multiple deals using the new checkbox column.

  2. On the right side panel, users can edit deal data such as status, stage, probability etc.

  3. Click apply to selected and then save.


In this release, we have a major update to our Tier1 Events offering with a Tier1 Events Pro edition and a self service portal add on. Contact us for a demo and pricing details.


Tier1 Events Pro edition main feature is the automatic calendar integration. It either uses a Tier1 hosted solution or a self hosted solution to automatically send out calendar invitations to your employees and your client attendees as they are booked into the meeting or when a meeting is updated. The automatic calendar integration offers the following key benefits:

  • Real time tracking of attendance: attendee’s responses are tracked real time with automatic calendar integration.

  • Reduction in administrative work: automated delivery of calendar invitations helps reduce manual administrative tasks which free up staff to focus on more strategic activities.

In this initial release, the following main workflow is supported.

  1. Employees & client attendees automatically receive a calendar invitation when they are added to a meeting from Tier1 Events application or invited from events portal.

  2. The following meeting updates will trigger employees and client attendees receiving an updated meeting invitation

    • Meeting date or time changes.

    • Location changes.

    • Topics or key participant changes.

    • Description of the meeting changes.

  3. The following removals and deletes will trigger employees and client attendees receiving a meeting cancelation.

    • Attendee is removed.

    • Event or meeting is deleted.

  4. Lastly, if the employee or client attendee accepts, tentatively accepts, or declines the meeting, their attendance status is updated in Tier1 Events.

Within Tier1 Events, users can view the invite status and error messages on the schedule tab of the event summary screen.

The following are additional features, configuration options, and limitations of the automatic calendar integration for this release.

  • For group meetings, attendees can see each other in the meeting invitation. Hiding attendees will be supported in the future for clients using Office 365.

  • Administrators can configure the email template that is sent with the meeting invitation.

  • Meeting responses such as forwarding and proposing new time are not supported. In the future release, we will be disabling this feature so attendees will not be able to forward and proposing new time.

  • *Booking owners can receive a copy of the calendar invite without being added to the meeting.

Note: Configuration is required and data model changes applies. Contact your Tier1 representative for details.


Tier1 Portal uses Salesforce Experience Cloud to deliver a secure online platform that allows your organization to interact and share event information with your clients. The portal offers these key benefits:

  1. Convenience and accessibility: A portal provides clients with 24/7 access to view events information from anywhere with an internet connection. This convenience eliminates the need for clients to visit physical offices or make phone calls to obtain information, which can save time and effort.

  2. Event sharing and real time tracking: Your organization can securely share corporate access, deals, analyst marketing and other events with clients through the portal. This eliminates the need for disparate communication channels or email attachments, reducing the risk of delivery and engagement. Your organization can use the client portals to update clients on the status of ongoing events. Clients can track progress in real time, reducing the need for frequent status inquiries.

  3. Self-service options: The portal will enable clients to perform certain self-service tasks, such as viewing events information, scheduling appointments, or submitting requests for participation. This empowers clients to take control of their interactions.

  4. Reduction in administrative work: Automation features within the portal can help reduce manual administrative tasks. For instance, automated appointment scheduling, can free up staff to focus on more strategic activities.

In this release, two main workflows are supported.


  1. Users can use the new event invitation screen to invite client contacts to an event so they can self-register to the available meetings. The event invitation screen can be access directly in the events’ context menu, in Client Center by drag & drop of client contacts to an event on the events cube. On the invitation screen, users can search for contacts, select contacts from an account, or use existing lists to add contacts.

  2. The invited client contacts will receive an event invitation email. They can click the event on the email to login to the events portal. If they do, they will receive an email with a passwordless one-time access code to access the event in the portal.

  3. The invited clients can then view the event on the portal, and then choose an available meeting timeslot. When confirming a booking, they can choose whether they are attending physically or virtually.

  4. After confirming the booking, the invited client will receive a booking confirmation email, or they can download the calendar (ICS) file and add it to their calendar. The client contact’s attendance status will be changed to confirmed in Tier1 Events.



  1. Users can now publish events for all portal users to self-register, without needing to be explicitly invited to those events. These published events are listed in a new “open for booking” event carousel. Portal users can use the event filters to view events that are relevant to them.

  2. Users can send follow-up email to all invited contacts who have not responded.

  3. Users can use a marketing tool, or email tools to send a direct link to the portal so your clients can self-register for published events. Note that those clients will need to be invited within the Tier1 Events application in order to generate the direct link to access the portal.


In addition, the portal supports the following features.

  • Users can add attachments and a playback link so that portal users can view any additional information or view the video recording.

  • Users can add an event image to be included in the email invitation and in the event details.

  • During the invitation process, the user will have invitation options such as whether individual client contacts or account should be invited to all meeting types or only to group meetings.

  • During the invitation process, users can add a personal note to be included in the email invitation.

  • At the end of the invitation process, users can export the list of invited clients, with success and failure reasons. Standard events and booking restrictions validation check are in place to ensure clients gain access to the correct meetings.

  • Portal users can decline an event or unsubscribe to future event invitation emails.

  • Portal users can navigate to the direct portal link and view all your firm’s published events. They can navigate and look for events to attend using filters such as: text, event date, attendance status, event city, event type, topics, key participant, and participating clients.

  • Portal users can log an indication of interest rather than book into a meeting. A salesperson or event coordinator can contact the portal user for more details.

  • Portal users can click on my meetings to view all of their invitations, confirmed upcoming events, past events, and declined events.

  • If all of the available meetings are already taken, or none of the available timeslot’s work for the client, they can click a button to contact the host via email.

  • If the event requires the attendee to attend all meetings such as a reverse roadshow, portal users can book on the event and the application will add the attendees into all meetings.

  • Portal users will see more information now on the event details

    • A message “Your account is already booked into this meeting” if there is already an attendee from the same account is booked.

    • They can decline meetings that they previously booked and they can also book into meetings they declined.

  • Portal users will see additional information on the confirmation page such as

    • Locations display as a hyperlink so they can click to open in maps or virtual meeting invite.

    • The ICS file has the time zone, event link, and more event details.

  • Portal users can now resubscribe to event invitation emails that they have previously unsubscribed.


Events introduced a new collection summary tab in the event summary screen, to display a summary of the collection information such as the Events, Meetings, and other relevant information such as the attendees when you expand on individual events/meetings.


Events has made several other improvements based on user feedback.

  • The booking screen will now restrict attendance type selection based on meeting attendance type. If the meeting attendance type is set as physical, then the booking screen will only allow users to select physical. Same for virtual attendance type. If the meeting attendance type is set as hybrid or left as blank, it will allow users to select either physical and virtual.

    Note: This is only implemented in the booking screen. The actions pane and meeting details pane will be done at a later release.

  • Administrators can configure custom fields to display on the meeting form. For example, a webinar ID, venue confirmation, or date booked.



In this release, administrators can configure quick launch forms in Tier1 for Outlook for users to quickly log data from side panel without any context. For example, an administrator can configure a create new task, new call report, or create new deal from Tier1 for Outlook side panel and a new browser tab with the standalone form opens for users to log and then go back to their workflow in Outlook.




In this release, Tier1 Mobile Now is introducing the ability to book attendees into events. The following features are supported for the initial release.

  1. While viewing an event, users can tap book to add client and internal attendees into a meeting. Tapping on book allow users to search for client attendees and then decide whether they want to add themselves or any covering professionals into the meeting. They can then choose the attendee’s role, status, and attendance type.

  2. The same event and meeting restriction rules apply on Tier1 Mobile as they do on Tier1 Events.

  3. Users can use the contact host option if the meeting type is request booking or if none of the meeting timeslots work. This will send an email to the event management team.

The initial release has the following limitations.

  • Event booking on mobile does not yet support the meeting lock feature in Tier1 Events. This may result in users receiving errors when trying to book an attendee if multiple users are booking clients into the same meeting.

  • Users will not be able to edit the status, role, and attendance type once they booked the attendees. They will have to open the Tier1 Events to fix anything.

  • Booking workflow is only available for self booking events. For request booking events, users can use the contact host feature or request it in Tier1 Events.

  • Covering professional only supports account and contact coverage. It does not yet support team coverage or coverage additional info like multiple roles, products, and regions.


As we release product features that rely on SS&C Tier1 infrastructure, we want to provide transparency on the statuses of these services. In this release, a new service status page will be available to view the status of Tier1 services. In addition, you can subscribe via email to receive alerts on upcoming maintenances or incidents impacting the services. The service status page will display the status of the following services.

  • Prospector web application.

  • LSEG ownership and profile data feed.

  • LSEG street events data feed.

  • FactSet data feed.

We will share details on the status site in late April.



No new objects.









The relationship between the Team and Account.




Product (Tier 1) associated with this relationship.




Product (Tier 1) associated with this relationship.




Product (Tier 1) associated with this relationship.




The relationship between the Team and Contact.




Will only be true for Invited Contacts that have been created because they are the Booking Owner of a Client Invited Contact in the meeting. This is so they can receive an invitation to the meeting through Harmony.




When true, the attendee should be hidden from the UI within the Events application.




Whether the attachment will be visible in the Events Portal for portal users


We are committed to provide as much visibility into our product and feature retirement notices. Log in to view our retirement policy and our full list of product and retirement list.



Over the last several years, we have introduced newer flexible forms to improve usability, and allow more configuration. By December 2024 and Tier1’s 2024.4 release, Tier1 will no longer support the following older forms in Client Center.

  • Log interaction form.

  • Quick add and edit contact forms.

  • Quick add and edit meeting forms.

  • Quick add and edit task forms.

  • Call report templates form.

  • Manage relationship form.

  • Relationship management form.

  • Mass coverage management form.

  • Private notes.

Tier1 will no longer support the following older forms in Mobile.

  • Log interaction form.

  • Quick add and edit contact forms.


Each of the above forms has an equivalent form to replace that offers better usability, more functionality, and more configurability. Contact Tier1 for a demonstration of these features.


Once your instance is upgrade to at least 2024.1 version, consider upgrading to the newer forms.



The subscription or public list feature is being retired. By June 2024 and Tier1’s 2024.2 release, Tier1 will no longer support the subscription list feature in Client Center.


Our usage reports reveals minimal engagement with the subscription list feature. Therefore, we will be retiring this feature and reallocating resources towards features being actively used by users.





The quick call log feature is being retired. By June 2024 and Tier1’s 2024.2 release, Tier1 will no longer support the quick log feature in Client Center.


This feature was intended for logging tasks without any notes. Since Tier1 moved to logging call reports instead of tasks for interactions, we have found limited use of this feature.





Tier1’s feature to log certain user actions into ACE Log will be retired. By December 2024 or Tier1’s 2024.4 release, Tier1 will no longer support the ACE Log feature that Client Center and Deals used.


The new Application Log feature replaces the old ACE Log feature. Application Logs contains more logging capabilities. It has logs from Client Center, Deals, and in addition logs from Tier1 Events, Tier1 Mobile Now, and Tier1 processes.


Consider enabling the new application log feature and migrating any reports and dashboards from the ACE Log to the to the Tier1 Application Log object. Contact the product team to find out more about different levels of application usage logs.

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