Tier1 Security Engine Configuration Console
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Tier1 Security Engine Configuration Console

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Article summary


Tier1 Security Engine provides a centralized user interface that enables direct access to configure and view security settings. This UI is called Security Configuration Console (SCC), and is accessible from within the Configuration Manager application. SCC is ideally suited to speed up and streamline implementation and troubleshooting.

SCC looks as follows:

The SCC UI includes the following functional areas:

  • Menu (on the left) — a list of links to the object/process-specific console screens:

    1. Manage Users & Employees

    2. Manage User Role Hierarchy

    3. Manage Objects

    4. Manage Enhanced Security

    5. Manage Batch Configuration

    6. Manage Activity Security

    7. Audit Security

    8. Check Compliance

    9. Disabled Triggers

    10. Monitor Processes

    11. Test Access to Records

    12. Wall Crosser

  • The main screen (on the right) — displays an object/process-specific screen corresponding to the selected menu option


In the Manage Users & Employees screen, you can initiate management activities for:

  • User

  • Employee

  • Sharing team

  • Internal contact

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Manage Users & Employees.

The Manage Users & Employees screen displays.

  1. In the search field, start typing a user name or an employee name.

  2. Select the required entity from the pick list that appears.

The screen displays the User Record, Employee Record, Sharing Membership Record, and Internal Contact sections, each of which shows the current values of a number of attributes for the selected user or employee. The user/employee/contact names, as well as the sharing membership IDs, are rendered as hyperlinks.

  1. Click a name/ID hyperlink in the relevant section to display the corresponding Salesforce security module in a separate browser window or tab.

  2. View or edit the required information.

  3. Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.


In the Manage User Role Hierarchy Screen, you can see the representation of the User Roles. This data is from Organization Structure and Organization Membership Objects. The User Roles can be added with Users from this console.


In the Manage Objects screen, you can navigate to and view sharing reasons and sharing settings for objects secured in your org. For example:

  • Account

  • Contact

  • Deal

  • Call report

  • Interest

  • Activity security

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Manage Objects.

    The Manage Objects screen displays.

  2. Select the required object's tab.

    The screen displays two grids:

    Sharing Settings – lists the Default Internal Access and Default External Access for the selected object

    Sharing Reasons – lists sharing reasons available for the selected object per related user

  3. To modify a sharing reason or a sharing setting:

    1. Click the Configure button under the corresponding grid.

    2. Make the changes in the relevant Salesforce security module that opens in a separate browser window or tab.

  4. Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.


The Manage Enhanced Security screen features a tab for each object that is secured in your org (e.g., call report, deal, etc.). Each object-specific tab which includes a summary view of the related users, their access type, visibility, and other attributes.

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Manage Enhanced Security.
    The Manage Enhanced Security screen displays

  2. Click the required object's tab.

  1. To modify the object security settings of the selected object:

    1. Click Configure in the corresponding section.

    2. Make the necessary changes in the AFR page that opens in a separate browser window or tab.

  2. Close the AFR window or tab to return to SCC.

  3. To export the contents of the summary (topmost) section to a CSV file, click Export to CSV.


The Manage Batch Configuration screen features a tab for each batch that is configured in your org (e.g., Coverage Sharing Batch, Historical Record Sharing Batch, etc.). Each batch-specific tab shows the configured attributes for the specific batch.

  1. To modify the batch configuration:

    1. Click Configure in the section.

    2. Make the necessary changes in the AFR page that opens in a separate browser window or tab.

  2. Close the AFR window or tab to return to SCC.

  3. To export the contents of the summary section to a CSV file, click Export to CSV.


The Manage Activity Security screen identifies whether activity security is currently enabled. It also shows the configured attributes to create Activity Security.

  1. To modify the Activity Security configuration:

    1. Click Configure in the section.

    2. Make the necessary changes in the AFR page that opens in a separate browser window or tab.

  2. Close the AFR window or tab to return to SCC.

  3. To export the contents of the summary section to a CSV file, click Export to CSV.


In the Audit Security screen, you can generate a report on security-related actions (addition or removal of shares to/from record) for a specified date range.

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Audit Security.
    The Audit Security screen displays.

  1. Enter Start Date and End Date for the required date range. The application retrieves the requested data and displays it in a table.


In the Check Compliance screen, you can generate a report on attempted compliance breaches and compliance batch logs for a specified time period. The following actions are considered compliance breaches:

  • An attempt to change an account's Owner from a "private" user to a "public" one

  • An attempt to share a secured object, such as call report, with a user from the "opposite" side of the ethical wall (i.e., a Private record with a Public user or vice versa)

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Check Compliance.
    The Check Compliance screen displays. Its upper section shows the date selection controls.

The lower section of the screen shows a table of the objects and related users currently configured to support security compliance.

  1. Enter Start Date and End Date for the required date range.
    The application retrieves the requested data and displays it in two tables.

  2. To generate and view a more granular compliance log:

    1. Click Go to Salesforce.

    2. Perform the required activities in the Salesforce reporting module that opens in a new browser window or tab.

    3. Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.

  3. To export the data shown in the tables to a CSV file, click Export to CSV.

  4. To change the configuration of objects and/or related users that support security compliance:

    1. Click Configure in the Compliance Objects section of the screen.

    2. Make the required changes in the Salesforce (AFR) page that opens in a new browser window or tab.

    3. Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.


The Disabled Triggers screen shows the triggers names and identifies whether trigger is currently disabled.


From the Monitor Processes screen, you can access details of:

  • Batch processes

  • Debug logs

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Monitor Processes.

The Monitor Processes screen displays.

  1. Click View in Salesforce in the relevant section.

    View the required process/log in the relevant Salesforce module that opens in a separate browser window or tab.

    Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.


In the Test Access to Records screen, you can test access to a specific record, optionally by a specific user.

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Test Access to Records.
    The Test Access to Records screen displays.

  1. In the Record ID field, enter an ID of the record whose accessibility you want to test.

  2. Click Run Test.
    The application retrieves the record's access summary and displays it in a table.

  1. To filter the access summary to a specific user, enter that user's name in the User field.


The Wall Crosser screen shows the information of the Wall Crosser, Requester and the time period.

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the menu pane, click Wall Crosser.
    The Wall Crosser screen displays.

  1. Enter Start Date and End Date for the required date range.
    The application retrieves the requested data and displays it in a table.

  1. You can filter the access summary to a specific user or status.

  2. To generate and view a more granular Wall Crosser information:

    1. Click Go to Salesforce.

    2. Perform the required activities in the Salesforce reporting module that opens in a new browser window or tab.

    3. Close the Salesforce window or tab to return to SCC.

  3. To export the data shown in the tables to a CSV file, click Export to CSV.

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