Search and View Contact Profile
  • 09 Jan 2024
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Search and View Contact Profile

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Article summary

To look up a contact’s bio, funds they manage, their area of expertise, use the Contacts by Name search within Prospector.

  1. Click on the search dropdown on Prospector home page and select Contacts By Name.

  2. Enter the name of the contact, use the autocomplete and hit enter on your keyboard to execute the search.

  3. View basic information like name, title, email, phone, location of the contact. Hover around email and phone icons to view their email and phone.

  4. Click on the contact name to view the contact’s profile.


    Click on the x to cancel the search.

    When using Prospector on Salesforce, additional icons appear beside each contact. Blue circle indicates the contact is in your coverage and green square indicates contact is not in your coverage.

  5. Continue searching for more contacts and it will add to the contact list. When there are more contacts in the grid, you can check the contact details checkbox to view additional details without opening the contact profile such as address, roles held, employment history, education. Click on Excel icon to export the list.


The contact profile offers additional contact details such as:

  1. Roles. All the roles held by the contact within the organization

  2. Region. Countries the contact has actively covered.

  3. Specialties. Contact’s areas of focus.

  4. Bio. Contact’s education, employment history, funds formerly managed.

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