Find Contacts
  • 04 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Find Contacts

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Article summary

Use the Find Contacts search to prospect for contacts with specific criteria that you are targetting. Below are the filters that Prospector supports.

  • By Account/Fund profile such as by prime brokers, newly created accounts, by account type, orientation or investment styles.

  • By Contact Location such as region, country, state,city, or metro area.

  • By Contact Profile/Coverage such as contact roles, region or country speciality, sector or industry coverage.

  • By Account/Fund Portfolio such as AUM above a certain amount, sector or industry holdings, turnover, or security type.

Note that each filter field narrows the search results.


The following filters can be done on the Account/Fund Profile tab. Use a combination of filters to find contacts to prospect. For example, to find new contacts who work for investment management firms with active orientation created in the last 90 days, you can use the Investor Types, Recently Added Accounts, and Orientation filters.

  1. Investor Types: filter accounts by specific investor types by checking the boxes: Investment Managers, Brokerage Firms, Strategic Entities, Funds. Further filter the subcategories of each investor type by clicking on the first drop-down on the right handside.

  2. Account Name: Text filter with either starts with or contains to find contacts by their account name.

  3. Prime Brokers: View all contacts who have the selected prime brokers.

  4. Profile Text Search: Search for contacts by filtering text in their account profile.

  5. Recently Added Accounts: Find new contacts from accounts added in the last 30, 60, 90 and 120 days.

  6. Orientation: Filter contacts from accounts that have active or passive orientation.

  7. Investment Styles: Filter contacts from funds based on their investment styles such as growth, value, index.



The following filters can be done on the Contact Location tab. Use a combination of the filters to find contacts in the specific location you cover.

  1. Regions: Filter contacts by large region such as North America, Asia, Western Europe.

  2. Country, State/Province, and City: Filter contacts by narrower scope of country, state/province and then city.

  3. US Regions: Applies to US contacts only. Filter contacts by specific US regions such as Great Lakes, Mid-West Region, South-Eastern Region.

  4. Metro Areas: Applies to US/Canadian contacts only. Filter contacts by specific metros such as Albany/Greater New York, Atlanta, Vancouver British Columbia.



The following filters can be done on the Contact Profile/Coverage tab. Use a combination of the filters to find contacts based on their profile or coverage.

  1. Contact Last Name: Find contact by their last name with starts with or contains text filter.

  2. Contact Roles: Filter contacts using their specific roles within an organization such as Portfolio Manager, Trader, Security Analyst.

  3. Region Specialty: Filter by broad geographic regions speciality such as North America, Middle East.

  4. Country Specialty: Filter by countries speciality.

  5. Recently Added Contacts: Find contacts recently added in the last 30, 60, 90 and 120 days.

  6. Contact Profiles Search: Find contacts by filtering for phrases present in their profiles.

  7. Macro-Sector Coverage: Filter contacts by selecting from the macro sectors covered by the contacts.

  8. Mid-Sector Coverage: Filter contacts by selecting from the sub sectors covered by the contacts.

  9. Industry Coverage: Filter contacts by selecting from the list of industries covered by the contacts.

  10. Market Cap Specialty: Filter contacts by their market cap interests such as large cap, mid cap.

  11. Contacts Movement: Filter contacts that have changed employment in the last 30, 60, 90 and 120 days.


The following filters can be done on the Account/Fund Portfolio tab. Use a combination of the filters to find contacts based on their firm or funds portfolio.

  1. Equity AUM: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund equity asset under management range.

  2. Total Stocks Held: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund total number of shares held range.

  3. Macro-Sector: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund’s macro sectors coverage.

  4. Mid-Sector: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund’s sub sector coverage.

  5. Issuing Regions: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund’s region coverage.

  6. Issuing Countries: Filter contacts by their respective firm/fund’s country coverage.

  7. Market Cap: Filter contacts by their repsective firm/funds market cap interests such as large cap, mid cap.

  8. Position Activity: Filter contacts by their respective firm/funds position changes such as increases only, decreases only, new positions.

  9. Turnover: Filter contacts by their respective firm/funds turnover. A high turn over means annual portfolio turnover rate is greater than 100%.

  10. Security Types: Filter contacts by the security types that their respective firm/funds owns.


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